Tuesday, October 6, 2009


For our assignment, I listened to country, rock, jazz, and pop stations. The country station featured little electrophones. I think I managed to hear an electric guitar during a select Keith Urban song, but other than that, it remained dominated by the acoustic guitar among other instruments. The rock station I listened to featured at least an electric guitar in each song, and I believe I was able to pick out a keyboard or two as well. I was hoping to catch The Doors "Touch Me", featuring the keyboard quite extensively, but unfortunately I did not. On the jazz station, smooth rhythms from an electric guitar dominated the scene. Keyboards were also featured at certain interludes. For any of the stations that I listened to, the jazz station by felt the best effects from the electrophones, as it was so smooth and felt very natural. The last station I listened to was pop. Miley Cyrus was featured on this station and I believe I heard a keyboard in her song. Other songs on this station did utilize some keyboards as well among other electric sounds, but it was hard to tell if those were made by a guitar or were synthesized.

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