Tuesday, September 1, 2009

24 Hours of Music

Over the last 24 hours, I have been concentrating on listening to the music around me. When I awoke yesterday, I decided to turn on Pandora Radio and listen to whatever they chose for me while I ate breakfast and checked my email. Music was again playing when I stopped in the cafeteria for lunch. After class that day, I decided to go to Wal-Mart with a few friends to pick up some food for the coming week, and we listened to a diverse subset of songs to and from the store. Upon arriving back at my apartment, I could hear music playing from the floors above. When I stepped off of the elevator, I discovered that at least one of these culprits were in fact my roommates playing some classic 90's jams. When I was going to bed, I turned on my iPod to help me drift asleep.

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