Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Keyboard's Affect On Music

The keyboard has definitely put its own trademark on the world of music. It helped provide music to the masses in the fact that no special skills were required to play it, and anyone could attempt to. Once it had been established, and music was available to the masses, then the keyboard style of playing music really took off.

The piano has really taken hold in modern music as well. It exists in most forms of music and is a focal point in some. Whether it be in modern, jazz, pop, or even rock, the piano plays an integral part in each. The electric keyboard has only amplified its impact in recent years. Past piano makers would marvel at where technology has taken us. If one wants to play a piece including synthesized brass instruments or an organ, they are able to do. It has broadened so many horizons and enabled people to become even more creative while writing music and delve deeper into themselves in order to express themselves even more. One can accurately tune the instrument's tone, pitch, or volume at any point of their music. The size of the keyboard is also an important aspect of it because it becomes a lot more convenient to anyone on a budget or with limited space. Its truly amazing how this technology has advanced over the years and it will take us in the future.

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