Thursday, September 3, 2009

SHMRF Analysis

The song I chose to analyze using SHRMF is Thunder Road by Bruce Springsteen. The song starts out with a clearly nostalgic feel, using a harmonica to set the mood. It accompanies the piano, which provides the main melody and rhythm throughout the song. Guitar riffs come later in the song to provide more buildup periodically. The beginning of the song starts out slowly and definitely gives off the feel of a more reflective mood, and gradually picks up pace further and further into the song. For this reason I would classify it as a minor key, as it gives off feelings of lamentation and regret. The rhythm starts out slowly in the beginning and gradually builds until the end. The melody used throughout the song is a step, and as far as contour goes, I would say it starts out rising in the intro, comes back down during the first verse, and then fluxuates throughout the rest of the song. The form of the song is clearly unique, and there appears to be no chorus at all. As far as I can tell, its just verses strung together with the climax of the song (the solo) coming at then very end of the song.

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